Soundproofing of Power Generator

Soundproofing of Power Generator
Soundproofing of Power Generator
Soundproofing of Power Generator
Soundproofing of Power Generator
Soundproofing of Power Generator
Soundproofing of Power Generator
Soundproofing of Power Generator
Soundproofing of Power Generator
Soundproofing of Power Generator
Soundproofing of Power Generator

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Challenge: The installation of the Aggreko power generators in a construction site near the residential area produced noise beyond the limits allowed by law.

The noise was generated by the system of power generators needed to carry out the activities on site.

Solution: Noise reduction was achieved by fencing the sector in which the power generators were positioned. The 4m tall soundproofing barrier was constructed with DECBEIL's metal perforated PZP panels.

In addition, perforated sound insulation panels have been installed in the area close to the generators, with the aim of limiting the propagation of noise to a height of more than 4m as the standard height of the fencing panels. The soundproofing panels had a specific design to allow the free flow of air needed for cooling and also to allow equipment maintenance work.

Results: The project was completed successfully. The noise reduction results are now below legal limits while exceeding the client's expectations.

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